Mindaugas Gapševičius, Maria Safronova Wahlström
In collaboration with Helga Mogensen (jewelry), Leon Crayfish (shoe design)
Exhibition, participatory event, and workshop
The project You and I, You and Me explores the possibilities of communication through electricity. The project proposes that electricity could help to reveal the imperceptible connections between different actors within the environment. How far could electricity help in understanding the other? Is there a possibility to alter human senses by electric impulses?
The participatory event invites the audience to imagine the future. Humans, computing machines, and various types of hybrids share the space they live in. Senses are altered, some are inextricably linked to computing devices. Electricity is used to control the space and beings living in it. Humans take responsibility to reshape social ties to avoid being controlled by corporations and machines. During the event, the audience is invited to experience the environment, including other humans, by wearing jewelry, shoes, and headwear.
Since the devices are powered by electricity, audiences are given instructions before attaching the devices to their bodies. They also give their written consent.
Many many thanks to other contributors: Ian Erik Stewart (neuroscience consultant), Mantas Mizgiris and Simona Nakrošiūtė (jewellery), Mindaugas Miselis and Alexander Selifonov (electronics), Bon Alog (photography and video), Arūnas Baltėnas (photography), Gvidas Bindokas (video documentation), Antanas Skucas (programing), Antanas Gerlikas (installation), Živilė Etevičiūtė, Tadas Šarūnas and Johanna Glaza (models), Kamilė Krasauskaitė and Ernesta Šimkutė (curators), Taktika Studio (design), Audrius Antanavičius & Jonas Balsevičius (tech support), Marijonas Račkauskas, Karolina Valentaitė, Roberta Alksnytė (event), Tūla Kristina, Gabija Augustinavičiūtė, Eglė Skinderytė, Kamilė Laurinavičiūtė, Grėtė Ona Tvarkūnaitė, Vilma Suchockienė, Solveiga Stankevičiūtė, Ona Ringaitytė (performance) and others.
The project is supported by the Lithuanian Council for Culture, and the Nordic Council of Ministers
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‘Toward Speculative World-Makings’ by Tuçe Erel
Esė apie projektą „You and I, You and Me“
The workshop was executed within the Molten Airs workshop series during the Ars Electronica 21. The Molten Airs series builds its narratives on casual life processes, repetitive habits, and social practices. By speculating on the human relationship to plants, food, or energy, but also using methods borrowed from the sciences, the series delves into unknown interactions between small and large, real and fictional, alive and not alive, us and them.
The You and I, You and Me episode focussed on communication asking the participants the following questions:
- What is your environment?
- With whom do you want to communicate?
- What do you want to communicate?
- How the communication could be done?
Starting with electricity as a possible form of communication between humans and non-humans, the participants of the workshop pushed the idea further into Karen Barad’s intra-action, a philosophical concept describing forces that inextricably connect things.
Yet another workshop was executed at the Dansesenter Bergen during the Piksel Festival 2021. Dancers have engaged with different objects.
Participatory event
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