Mindaugas Gapševičius & Maria Safronova Wahlström
In collaboration with Ian Erik Stewart (neuroscience consultant), Mindaugas Miselis (electronics), Antanas Skucas (programming)
Collection of wearables, part of You and I, You and Me
The project was inspired by research on brain-to-brain interfaces, including the study “A Brain-to-Brain Interface for Real-Time Sharing of Sensorimotor Information” by Miguel Pais-Vieira et al. Following the research, the collection of wearables questions the boundaries of empathy. Aesthetically, the project refers to traditional headwear and the role of headwear in signaling human identity to others.
The headwear uses medical strategies based on brain cell communication: the electrical impulses are detected while using electroencephalography (EEG), and brain stimulation is triggered by passing DC current through electrodes (tDCS), a noninvasive method to treat depressive disorder, increase empathic abilities, or decrease antisocial behavior in violent offenders.
Usage instructions:
- Attach batteries and the circuit boards to the snap buttons on the headwear;
- Launch the app You and I, You and Me on a tablet or smartphone;
- Pair your app with the headwear;
- Look for peers with other headwear;
- Connect to peers by tapping an IP in the augmented reality interface;
- Use the slider at the bottom of the screen to control the intensity of electricity passed: left side – no electricity, right side – 100 uA.
Do not keep the headwear on for more than twenty minutes. Or if you feel uncomfortable, move the slider to the left. Try to avoid maximum current passage on the scalp – it can cause skin burns!
See the folder for more infos.
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