0.30402944246776265 @ Pixxelpoint

27 November until 4 December, 2015. Nova Gorica City Gallery
Curated by Igor Štromajer

This year’s festival continues the collaboration with the School of Art of the University of Nova Gorica and the Gorizia-based Lucide. With 57 contributing artists, we invite you to an exhibition taking place in three venues – Nova Gorica City Gallery, Nova Gorica School of Art and the Gorizia Chamber of Commerce.

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0.30402944246776265 @ Centras/Remediation

21st – 31st October 2015
International Media Arts and Music Festival “Centras”

The exhibition “Remediation”, prepared by the guest curator Jurij Dobriakov, is an attempt to answer a question if during the last 15 years there was a strong and vital scene of media art in Lithuania. Here the media culture is a problematic category – contemporary artists undoubtedly use some kind new media in their creative work, nevertheless only few identify themselves as media artists. This exhibition of 10th media arts and music festival is probably the best opportunity to conclude these occurrences and processes in one space and to consider if they gave birth to more or less solid discourse of Lithuanian media art.

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An Artistic Perspective on Distributed Computer Networks. Creativity in Human-Machine Systems

Thesis Title: An Artistic Perspective on Distributed Computer Networks. Creativity in Human-Machine Systems

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Fuller, Dr. Mark Bishop
August 2015

Centre for Cultural StudiesGoldsmiths University of London
Submitted for MPhil degree
163 pages Continue reading “An Artistic Perspective on Distributed Computer Networks. Creativity in Human-Machine Systems”

Tech rider

Instructions for the Physical Space

There are no particular requirements for the space where the installation of the artwork has to be presented, except that the monitors displaying the visualization of the software have to be traced by the viewers to the installation. The minimal requirements for the installation are three computers, say A, B, and C, so they show connectivity dynamics within the ensemble: A -> B -> C -> B -> C -> B -> A, etc. These dynamics may already demonstrate a feature of (social) self-organization or simply map transferred data chunks within the virtual environment. It is suggested that the computers installed in the space are visually different, so the idea of the specificity or uniqueness of interaction between elements is present. Continue reading “Tech rider”


The Freenet storage system is used as a basis for the software architecture. Additionally, two plugins – the Visualization and Automaton plugins – were developed in order to give the viewer the possibility of a self-organized environment within a virtual environment. These two plugins are separated by their functionality and, in concert with the Freenet, build a non-uniform network system. The plugins, as is the Freenet itself, are developed in a Java virtual environment and are installable via the Freenet user interface. Although not a necessity, it is supposed that the Freenet storage system is configured to run in a Darknet Freenet mode. Continue reading “Software”

0.30402944246776265 @ Malonioji 6

20th September 2014, 6 pm, LTMKS Project space “Malonioji 6”, Malonioji str. 6, Vilnius

We are pleased to invite you to the exhibition of media artist Mindaugas Gapševičius, who is showing his most recent installation, entitled 0.30402944246776265. In his installation, Gapševičius investigates artificial intelligence and brings a number of computers into the space for the consideration of artificial networks in terms of social and neural networks.

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0.30402944246776265 @ OKK Berlin

August 22nd, 2014
20:00 @ OKK/Raum29 Gallery, Prinzenallee 29, 13359 Berlin

We are pleased to invite you to the exhibition of media artist Mindaugas Gapševičius, who is showing his most recent installation, entitled 0.30402944246776265. In his installation, Gapševičius investigates artificial intelligence and brings a number of computers into the space for the consideration of artificial networks in terms of social and neural networks. The installation assembles an imaginative artificial neural network wherein computers act as neurons and network cables represent axones connecting neurons. The title number indicates the location of a computer in the proposed framework.

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In the Graveyards of Interdisciplinarity (?)

17th to 31st of October 2013
Curators of the project: Danutė Gambickaitė, Gintarė Matulaitytė

When interdisciplinarity comes across as a given, there seems to be little need for new definitions. Many an artist of the young generation have long since ceased using the word “interdisciplinarity” when discussing their own work. They make no attempt to revisit the concept or reinvigorate it in any other way. Still, the concept does come up in contemporary art, albeit in a somewhat odd manner. One often encounters a peculiar concept of interdisciplinarity – or a conceptual bubble – which is self-contained and can serve as a safe format.

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