On 3 & 4 October creative workshops will be organized in the Alt lab laboratory, participants of which will be invited to produce and to experience their own personalized yogurt. The produced yogurts will become part of the exhibition “Microorganisms and their hosts” at “Atletika” gallery.

The main theme of the creative workshops and the subsequent exhibition is the dependence of aesthetic experience on the products consumed, or how certain products (specific microorganisms in the case of this project) affect our biota – intestinal populations of various microorganisms, which contribute to wellbeing of our organisms and possibly contribute to aesthetic experience.
Interested? Email us at o-o@o-o.lt

Creative workshops will be led by Mindaugas Gapševičius, implemented in collaboration with Auksė Gaižauskaitė and Valentinas Klimašauskas.

The project is funded by Lithuanian Council for Culture and Vilnius City Municipality. Organized by Institutio media together with Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association.