Loose Ends exhibition opening reception 22 March 2019 @ 18:00
The exhibition is on display till 19 May 2019
National Gallery of Art, Konstitucijos pr.22, Vilnius, Lithuania
The newly published book on Mailia is being shown at the exhibition Loose Ends, which is on display in the National Gallery of Art, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Loose Ends is about artistic communication by mail, about the sender and the receiver, or his/her absence, about the thought that you start and not always finish, about speculative and playful resistance against systems, rudiments of social networks in the Soviet times and finally, about colliding comets. A comet is a motif frequently appearing in artists’ postcards. In the context of the exhibition it becomes a rich metaphor: crossing systemic limits, a sudden collision, a brief but spectacular flash, sometimes ephemeral and sometimes causing hardly reparable long term consequences.
More info: http://www.ndg.lt/exhibitions/present/loose-ends.aspx
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