
All matter has electrical properties. Granted, electric signals in carbon-based organic matter and silicon-based computational machines are of same nature, the Ultra-Low-Voltage Survival Kit explores the idea of generating electricity with human body. While practically letting the user of the toolkit move subatomic particles in and out of the body, the project invites one to experience electricity. Proposing to power computational machines by own body the project also suggests to critically evaluate technology further becoming part of human bodies.

The toolkit proposes that we reconsider the properties of electricity, which is an essential ingredient of matter. While proposing the use of electricity captured from a human body, the kit brings the user of the toolkit closer to conceptualizing the future, defined by merged living and non-living matter. The first experiment to be introduced invites the user to light up an LED with energy generated by the human body. The second experiment, which was developed with Wolgang Spahn, proposes listening to sounds generated by a difference in temperature between a human and their environment.

I would like to express my gratitude to Wolgang Spahn, who has kindly agreed to collaborate on the interface that generates sounds and the video tutorial. The project was kindly supported by the Nordic Culture Point and by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.

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