Toolkit, tutorial, manual, 2016-2019

This toolkit introduces my research on humans at a molecular level, and questions the possibility of cloning one’s own body. Although cloning animals in scientific research has been explored for decades, it is still considered by many as unethical, especially when it comes to cloning humans. Nevertheless, the possibility exists, and it is only a matter of time until the first human will be cloned. This project, however, looks into scientific and artistic projects that have used the cloning of animals or the modification of their genetic code, and invites one to experience the manipulation of the human genome at practical and aesthetic levels. The toolkit associated with this paper enables the analysis of a genome at home.
The experimentation is supported by a video tutorial and a manual, both available in the toolkit.
The work is part of the Introduction to Posthuman Aesthetics work series.
My gratitude goes to Philipp Bayer and Michael Blessenohl from Life-Science Lab Heidelberg and Miglė Kalvaitytė and Auksė Gaižauskaitė from Vilnius-Lithuania iGEM team. The project was kindly supported by the Nordic Culture Point and by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.
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