
Cloning is a complex issue involving scientific knowledge, civil law, and ethical questions yet to be solved by humanity. On the other hand, the methodology used for cloning animals is not that complex and could be easily imagined with the use of simple tools. Referring to mythological hybrids like centaurs, mermaids, and minotaurs, the toolkit, the tutorial, the paper, and a number of experiments associated with the manipulation of a genome, the project aims at envisioning possible shapes, functions, and needs of non-human humans. While practically “disassembling” the cells, amplifying the genetic code of cells’ DNA, and analyzing DNA, the user of the kit is invited to experience life at a molecular level. To what extent could it be possible to modify one’s own DNA, or, even, to give birth to a modified self? How much self will remain?

This project was kindly supported by Philipp Bayer and Michael Blessenohl from Life-Science Lab Heidelberg and Miglė Kalvaitytė and Auksė Gaižauskaitė from Vilnius-Lithuania iGEM team. The project was kindly supported by the Nordic Culture Point and by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.

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