4 pm Berlin time, Alt lab (2nd floor left), Sodas 2123, Vitebsko 21, 08402 Vilnius, Lithuania
4.20 pm Berlin time, Als Electronica broadcast

With Mindaugas Gapševičius, Brigita Kasperaitė, Rūta Spelskytė, Auksė Gaižauskaitė
Moderation: Valentinas Klimašauskas

We are happy to invite you to the Alt lab initiative, the artist talk to be presented at the Ars Electronica festival. While the talk is being broadcast live, the reception is in the premises of Alt lab. For live broadcast see Ars Electronica website. All welcome to join us for a reception!

The artist talk raises the question of collaboration between different species. It will start with a presentation of three projects: two toolkits for experimenting with living organisms and a conversation about microorganisms and their hosts. The artist talk is hosted by the Alt lab, a non-disciplinary research laboratory dedicated to artistic-scientific research and implementation of interdisciplinary projects.

The event is kindly supported by Lithuanian Council for Culture, Bauhaus University Weimar, Vilnius City Municipality, Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists‘ Association. Organized by Institutio Media.

Ars Electronica broadcast: https://ars.electronica.art/keplersgardens/en/experiencing-lives/
Reception: Alt lab (2nd floor left), Sodas 2123, Vitebsko 21, 08402 Vilnius, Lithuania