My latest work Proposal for Microbial Therapy (work in progress) is on display during the launch of the alt lab, an alternative non-disciplinary research laboratory in Vilnius.

Event date & time: 28 December 2019, 6 PM
Location: alt lab, SODAS2123 cultural centre “Sodas 2123” (Vitebsko 23, Vilnius, room 304)

Creative workshop titled “Lactose intolerant? Let’s employ bacteria!” was held 7–8 December 2019 in an alternative non-disciplinary research laboratory “Alt lab” located at newly established cultural centre “Sodas 2123”. Presentation of results of this workshop will take place on the evening of 28th December 2019 in the same location. Everyone interested in art and science projects, in the influence of microorganisms to our health and in related possibilities to work with those microorganisms is invited to join this event. This evening will also mark the opening of non-disciplinary research laboratory “Alt lab”.

Related media:

Presentation of Microbial Therapy
Presentation of Proposal for Microbial Therapy