CAC and Radio Vilnius are inviting to a one-day event exploring the environment through electricity. The event will take us to the future scenario, where humans, computing machines, and various hybrids share the space they inhabit. Senses are altered, and some have inextricable linkage to computing devices. In this narrative humans take responsibility to reshape social ties to avoid being controlled by corporations and machines.

Artists Mindaugas Gapševičius and Maria Safronova Wahlström a new art project “You and I, You and Me” raise questions about the perception of the environment through electricity. During the participatory event, the audience will be invited to explore the environment by wearing jewellery, shoes, and headwear with integrated electronic interfaces.
Throughout the evening Vilnius Radio will invite to mingle in the whithering Sapieha Palace surroundings with Pijus Džiugas Meižis, Kudirka ir Simas Okas.
Radio Vilnius is the new independent community radio, filled with fresh shows, sounds and hosts. The station is quickly becoming the physical and virtual meeting point not only for artists, aspiring musicians or experienced producers but Vilnius residents and visitors alike. Have a listen at
The event is FREE, no registration needed.

18:00 – 23:00 on Sapieha Palace’s second floor:
“You and I, You and Me” participatory event and art installation by Mindaugas Gapševičius and Maria Safronova Wahlström
Vilnius Radio at Sapieha Palace courtyard:
18:00 Pijus Džiugas Meižis
20:00 Kudirka
22:00 Simas Okas

The participatory event “You and I, You and Me” is a preparation for the full-scale exhibition planned at Biorama in Brandenburg and a workshop at Ars Electronica, 2021.
The event is organised as part of the Baltic Triennial 14 education and community engagement programme.

Thanks to contributors: Ian Erik Stewart (neuroscience consultant), Helga Mogensen, Mantas Mizgiris and Simona Nakrošiūtė (jewellery), Leon Crayfish (shoe design), Mindaugas Miselis and Alexander Selifonov (electronics), Bon Alog (photography and video), Antanas Skučas (programing), Antanas Gerlikas (installation), Živilė Etevičiūtė, Tadas Šarūnas, and Johanna Glaza (models) and others.

The event is part of the future exhibition with Biorama Projekt (Brandenburg) in collaboration with Institutio Media and Ars Electronica 2021 (Linz).
Event organisers: Contemporary Art Centre and Radio Vilnius
Sponsors: Lithuanian Council for Culture, Nordic Council of Ministers,
Partners: Empty Brain Resort, Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association, Ars Electronica
Thanks for the support to Autarkia and Vilniaus Philosophy Club.