I am pleased to represent Institutio Media and Migrating Art Academies at Laikmenos/Timestamps, the Lithuanian media art retrospective at the Lithuanian National Gallery. In the video, I reflect on the period in which the Institutio Media and Migrating Art Academies have started. The exhibition features works adapted to the new context.

Timestamps, 2021 04 02 – 05 30


The exhibition Timestamps displays experimental works created using computing, software, and networking technologies in the 1990s and 2000s. In a time when the impact of digital technologies on our pandemic-ridden daily life is greater than ever, the exhibition offers a peek into the era when these technologies were taking their first steps in Lithuania. This period was characterised by a fascination with digital tools and the possibilities they provided. Back then, they were perceived not as an inevitability imposed by the circumstances or as routine companions, but rather as instruments for building a more open and democratic culture.

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